Due to Covid 19 our monthly in person meetings have been canceled. Instead the group decided to create arrangements for on line display. Click twice on a picture to see a larger version and a slide show. The topic for the month was ‘Color’.

Due to Covid 19 our monthly in person meetings have been canceled. Instead the group decided to create arrangements for on line display. Click twice on a picture to see a larger version and a slide show. The topic for the month was ‘Color’.
Enjoyed seeing your designs, I’m so glad we are still finding ways to share.
Linda Maida
Please consider the ELEMENT OF DESIGN FOR EACH COLOR. How does each COLOR affect each PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN?
Balance, Contrast, Dominance, Proportion, Rhythm, Scale. To learn more, check out the NGC Handbook for Flower Shows Pgs 63-68
These elements and principles of design apply to any art form. The goal is have Beauty, Distinction, Expression and Harmony.
Please compare the difference between this photo and the one of the same design where there is little blue. Sharing our COLORFUL, ARTISTIC designs, helps us reach out to everyone to wish them a bountiful fall and good health. Please share these. Anyone wishing to learn more is
encouraged to contact Avant and come visit our meetings. Take Care, June Ann 425 922 8143