WSFGC Project Grants
Grants up to $1,000.00 are available for your club. Guidelines are included in the application. Attached is the Revised Grant Application which decreases the matching requirements from 50% to 20% and extending the application process toe March 15.
Horticulture Tag Information
Please be sure not to enter any WA noxious/invasive weeds into the Horticulture division. Check your entry out before coming to the flower show to see if it is listed by following this link:
How to complete a Horticulture Entry Tag
The Genus is written with a capital and underlined.
The species is written in lower case and underlined.
The variety is written in lower case and underlined or with var. placed before and then underlined.
The ‘Cultivar’ is written in single quotes and capitalized or with cv. placed before it and the single quotes omitted.
When naming a ‘cultivar’ of a variety, underline the Genus and species, add var. before the underlined variety name and then add the ‘cultivar’ in single quotes.
All of the above apply when handwriting the names. When typing, you substitute the underlining with italics which, of course, you cannot do when handwriting.
Horticulture Grooming Tips
- Proper conditioning and care will extend the enjoyment of fresh flowers and allow you to show them in the flower show at their peak.
- Proper conditioning or hardening of flowers is critical. Proper preparation and careful maintenance maximizes the life of cut flowers grown by you, or purchased at the local flower shop.
- Cut flowers in late evening or early morning. Re-cut stems under water to prevent air bubbles from forming within the stems, cutting at an angle.
- Place the cut flowers into the container/ vase in which they will be conditioned with tepid water (110°F) up to the flower heads.
- Fuzzy foliaged plants such as dusty miller should not have their foliage submerged during conditioning.
- Remove the lower third of the foliage and immerse only to foliage level.
- Place the containers of flowers in a cool, dark, humid location preferably for a minimum of 2 hours.
- A branch should have growth pattern typical of the plant, shrub or tree.
- Examine your specimen carefully and remove any dead or bug nibbled leaves or leafless side twigs.
- “Nit-pick” – use a magnifying glass if you need, to find and remove any insects, spider webs or debris of any kind. This includes the stem.
- Now place your cleaned plant in a clear glass container of appropriate size in proportion to the size of your specimen.
- Remember, “plant material entered in a Standard Flower Show may not be altered by the application (treatment) of oil, commercial “shine” products, etc. that may artificially change the natural color and texture.” (NGC Handbook for Flower Shows, p. 99)
Here are some examples of properly groomed plant material displayed in containers of appropriate scale and proportion to the entry. The concept is to show the most “perfect” exhibit compared to its ideal type (in reference to color and form) as well as maturity (not to early, but not past it’s prime, e.g. going to seed).