Grand Opening June 2nd 2021

“Big Rock Park Central (Parcel B) has opened as of June 2nd, 2021 at 1516 220th Ave. SE. It is the site of the historic Reard House, a special tree house, and the Heritage Garden, which is a project created and maintained by the SBGS. Over three miles of meadow and woodland trails connect Big Rock Park North and Central. Enjoy a walk and the ongoing discoveries in our beautiful Sammamish parks system.” SBGS (
Pine Lake Garden Club has partnered with the Sammamish Botanical Gardening Society (SBGS) to support the creation of the new Heritage Garden in Sammamish WA. Come and enjoy this new treasure. Parking is available close to the garden.
” The garden demonstrates heritage plants which might have been found in early gardens in our area. We have a large herb selection, fruiting trees, vegetables and shrubs. Our beds will be harvested at regular intervals during the summer and fall, with donations to the Issaquah Food Bank. As of September, over 200 pounds of garden produce have been delivered to the food bank! ” Sammamish Botanical Gardening Society
Photo by Marianne Wilkins