ELWD ECHO May 15 2021

ELWD ECHO – May 15, 2021 

Director’s Message 

Pandemic Poem   by Lana Finegold 

From pause to possibility, I’m longing for tranquility, 
My world before Pandemic is no more. 
How much is gone, how much lives on 
We only know our gardens grow 
And lucky me, my garden’s out my door. 
My garden does inspire me and every day it tires me. 
And gives me hope and joy to see a fresh new blossom just for me. 
So dig I will and deadhead too, there’s always more than I can do 
But hope and promise strengthens me and I can say decidedly 
A purpose driven garden helps me grow. 
So give your all to gardening. And let it cause your heart to sing 
And may you have success in all you do. 
And may you learn and may you cope and may your garden give you hope 
May blessings rain specifically on YOU.  

Marti and I thank YOU for being loyal to your garden club and the District. And we hope that you remember GREEN MATTERS. May your garden inspire and sustain you. 

ELWD ELECTION of new officers – time to vote 
 There were no further nominations after the earlier presentation of the slate of officers. 
 To vote:  Please send your “Yes/Accept” or “No/Reject” to elect slate as presented to Joyce Voldal, javoldal@hotmail.comThose not voting will be considered yes votes  (Note from Joyce – please show your support for this group by actually casting your vote – those receiving Echo directly from me can “Reply sender”).  Deadline to vote is May 20. The tally will be announced at the virtual GMM May 24. New officers begin their term at the start of our fiscal year, July 1. 

2021-2023 Slate of Officers: 
Director – Linda White, Hilltoppers GC  
First Assistant Director   ELAWAG Designers 2021-2022 and Avant Designers for 2022-2023 (arranges Design Programs) 
Second Assistant Director -Cathy Williams, Issaquah & Terra Tillers GC  (arranges Horticulture Programs) 
Treasurer – Gale Baullinger, West Sammamish & Issaquah GC 
Recording Secretary – Joy Jackson. Issaquah GC 
Dues Secretary – Krystal Kaald Bevel, West Sammamish GC 
Parliamentarian – Elaine Pinkerton, Willowmoor GC 

ELWD General Membership Event – May 24, 1:00 PM 
East Lake Washington District is holding a virtual General Membership Meeting. 

Program:  We will start with a backyard habitat program featuring Ann Kronenwetter who is in Chinook District of WSFGC. Ann is currently PRGC bird chairman and has served in that capacity many years on the state federation (WSFGC)  level. PRGC is the region our state federation is in. Ann enjoys birding and maintains a wildlife backyard that welcomes native birds. Gardening designed to impact wildlife habitat, with trees shrubs and flowering plants, has become an important gardening focus. We want to encourage birds, butterflies, bees and beneficial insects right outside our front and back doors, off our porches and patios. Learn what horticultural practices invite Northwest birds and wildlife into a habitat healthy for them. 

RSVP to Joyce Voldal by May 20, javoldal@hotmail.com. She will send you the Zoom link by May 23 or sooner. 

Note on future General Meetings:  

The new officers and COVID rules will determine whether ELWD can meet in person or will continue virtual meetings. 

ELWD Container Loan Program 

Lana Finegold houses the district container loan program. Anyone interested in borrowing a container, should contact Lana at 425-747-5742. See the District website for pictures of the many containers available, free to borrow. 


NGC: www.gardenclub.org 
Pacific Region: www.pacificregiongardenclubs.org 

WSFGC: www.wagardenclubs.com 
ELWD: www.elwd.org  
Bellevue Botanical Garden: www.bellevuebotanical.org 

Enjoy the lovely weather and hope to hear from you this week, 
Joyce Voldal, ELWD Mailout Chairman 

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