Memorial from Elawags (East Lake Washington Arrangers Guild) from Linda Oberloh, (

Joseph Arthur Dahlbom Jr. July 29,1936 – June 27, 2020 Life memberships in WSFGC, Pacific Region, and NGC. Joe was a member of WSFGC for over 50 years. He served as Director of the Evergreen District and president of several garden clubs in that district. He was in ELWD’s Eastside Garden Club and then joined Willowmoor garden club so he could remain in Elawags. He was an active participant in design and arrangers clubs in Evergreen, Greater Seattle, and East Lake Washington districts. He entered designs in other districts as well as in state shows. His living room walls were covered with ribbons and awards from the fair in Monroe Washington. Longtime the ELWD members may remember “Men at Work” and the “Joe Show” programs for our district. He will be missed but remembered for his great designs and his infectious laugh. Joe requested that any donations in his honor go to: ALL ABOARD ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES ACTIVITY PROGRAM, Founded by Marie Waller (Betty Arnold’s daughter – both long time garden club members active in WSFGC, Evergreen and ELWD districts) Because of present times and conditions any gathering will be postponed for now.