Don’t miss out !!
Scroll below for links to the Registration form, Activities, Flower Show Schedule, and entry tags.
Because this is a special year for WSFGC, the endowment committee is subsidising each garden club member $100 for their registration fee. That means garden club members pay $75.00 rather than $175.00. That includes the special 90th birthday dinner on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, lunch and dinner. Also included are all the workshops that are offered, free, to registered members.
We are all state members and are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the flower show, “Our Extraordinary Earth”. It will be a beautiful show and we need members to do designs and bring horticulture. The majority of our members will probably have something growing out of the 7 sections and 32 classes of horticulture. Everyone enjoys showing off their garden beauties or challenging their design skills. It is also fun to just view a flower show too?
Event Schedule:
Event Hotel Reservation Information:
Little Creek Casino & Resort
91 W State Route 108, Shelton, WA 98584
(833) 608-1644
Event Registration Form, Click HERE.
Event Workshop & Activities, Click HERE
Flower Show Schedule Booklet, Click HERE.
Flower Show Entry Tags, Click Here
Let’s make ELWD the district with the most people attending. After all, ELWD is 65 years old now, has great members and we know how to celebrate!
Keep Branching Out and Blooming,
Linda White,
ELWD Director
Fall in Love with Flower Shows – September 22-23 2023 – Bellevue Botanical Gardens
Brightwater Center, 22505 State Route 9 SE Woodinville 98072
Horticulture Program: “The Beauty of Hydrangeas“ by Scott Pringle, CPH, Paradise Lake Nursery, Snohomish. He will talk on locally grown ones and will have some for sale and a door prize. Website: paradiselakenursery.net
Design Program “East Meets West” by Shirley Hill who currently holds ranking of Riji, highest diploma of the Sogetsu School, Tokyo, Japan Learn more about the art of Ikebana. Website: ikebanawithshirley.wordpress.com
Hello East Lake Washington District of Garden Clubs!!
It is finally finished, the Schedule for our upcoming District Flower Show in
September. Now we can all plan the Horticulture we can enter (and keep it
watered), choose a Design to enter and get creative, enter a fun Artistic Craft or
enter a beautiful Photograph and maybe even get your kids or grandkids to
enter the Youth section with a decorated pumpkin. It will be a fun show with
many visitors at the beautiful Bellevue Botanical Garden.
We really need people from every club to participate to make it a “GREAT!”
show. The show committee is working very hard to make this a success. We are
so fortunate to have this show in such a beautiful public space. Let’s show off
ELWD and all of our clubs! Enter the show and you too will “FALL in Love with
Flower Shows”. If I sound excited it is because I am.
Let’s Keep Blooming,
Linda White, ELWD Director
August 21 – Horticulture Entry Tags Available online and at ELWD Board Meeting
By September 5 – Register for Designs, Education, Youth & Botanical Arts
Please do this ASAP with Chairman listed in Schedule.
September 22, 12:30 – 2:30 pm – Show Set Up
2:30 – 3:45 pm – Bring Entries
September 23, 8:00 – 9:30 am – Bring Entries
10:00 am – Judging
12:30 pm – 3:30 pm Show Open to the Public
September 24, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Show Open to the Public
3:00 pm – Remove all Entries and take down tables & staging.By 4:00 we must be out & have all rooms cleaned.
Our district meeting for East Lake WA District of Garden Clubs was held February 27 2023 at Saint Andrews Church in Bellevue WA. Members were encouraged to dsplay any crafts that they enjoyed.
Thanks to Charlene Trent-Lewis for taking photos of the event. Double Click on a photo to see a larger image.
Saturday June 17th – Issaquah & Sammamish Garden Clubs – Combined Plant Sale 9 AM until sold out
Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front ST S Issaquah, WA 98027
Besides plants, there will be a bake sale and garage sale tables.
Saturday June 24th – Woodinville Garden Club – 22nd Tour of Gardens 10 AM – 4 PM
This self-drive tour will give you private access to five amazing gardens.
Tickets are $25 and available mid-May at Molbak’s, Woodinville; Wells Medina Nurser, Bellevue; and Gray Barn Nursery, Redmond
Buy online at https://woodinvillegardenclub.org for an additional $2 handling fee.
Tickets are limited in quantity, so buy yours early. Children except babes-in-arms will need tickets.
See website for further information.
East Lake Washington District website: https://elwd.org
National Garden Club: https://gardenclub.org
Pacific Region: pacificregiongardenclubs.org
Other Items of Interest to Gardeners
Check out the Elisabeth Miller Library’s website: https://depts.washington.edu/hortlib/events/garden-tours-plantsales/
Hi Garden Club Members,
Here’s information about upcoming events. May 22 is our General Membership Meeting
and if your garden needs some additions, the club plants sales listed below are a good place to shop.
Happy Gardening,
Joyce Voldal, ELWD Mailout
WHO: Garden Club Members and guests (bring a friend, perhaps one interested in joining a garden club)
WHAT: East Lake Washington District of Garden Clubs, General Membership Meeting
WHERE: St. Andrews Lutheran Church, 2650 148th Ave S.E. Bellevue 98007
WHEN: Monday, May 22, 2023
WHY: To meet together in person with other clubs, have lunch, hear great speakers,
be inspired and have FUN with garden club friend
COST: $10.00 per person for lunch and two programs
RSVP: Reservations required so we have accurate count for food and seating
RSVP DEADLINE: Thursday p.m. May 18th to Joyce Voldal, javoldal@hotmail.com or 425-712-7638 or text 425-445-6831
9:30-10:00 Registration and Coffee
10:00 Program: Recycling information, provided by speaker from Ridwell
11:00 ELWD Meeting
11:30-12:30 Lunch provided by Terra Tillers Garden Club
12:30 – 1:30 Design Program: Jeannie Lindquist, a member of the International Guild of Miniature Artisans,
will present a program “Designs Large & Small”
We will have a fundraising raffle of items provided by Elawags (designer’s guild), Pine Lake & West Sammamish Garden Clubs
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
DISTRICT PROJECT – Friday May 19th BBG Work Day 9:45 – 11:30.
Contact June Ann Hassebroek: juneannhas@aol. or 425-922-8143 if you can participate.
CLUB EVENTS : Open to the public
Saturday May 13th – Pine Lake Garden Club Plant Sale, 9:30 AM – Noon
Sammamish Presbyterian Church, 22522 NE Inglewood Hill Rd Sammamish WA 98074
From our gardens to yours – sharing locally grown plants, green success stories, and a few cautionary tales.
Saturday May 13th – Woodinville Garden Club Plant Sale , 9AM until sold out
Woodinville Alliance Church, 13940 NE 166th St Woodinville, WA 98072
We hold our plant sale every year the Saturday before Mothers Day. Shop our proven tomato varieties,
sun and shade hanging baskets, perennials from our own gardens, color spots, table baskets and kokodema f
ern and moss balls. Please check our website for more information. https://woodinvillegardenclub.org
Saturday June 17th – Issaquah & Sammamish Garden Clubs – Combined Plant Sale 9 AM until sold out
Our Savior Lutheran Church, 745 Front ST S Issaquah, WA 98027
Besides plants, there will be a bake sale and garage sale tables.
Saturday June 24th – Woodinville Garden Club – 22nd Tour of Gardens 10 AM – 4 PM
This self-drive tour will give you private access to five amazing gardens.
Tickets are $25 and available mid-May at Molbak’s, Woodinville; Wells Medina Nurser, Bellevue; and Gray Barn Nursery, Redmond
Buy online at https://woodinvillegardenclub.org for an additional $2 handling fee.
Tickets are limited in quantity, so buy yours early. Children except babes-in-arms will need tickets.
See website for further information.
East Lake Washington District website: https://elwd.org
National Garden Club: https://gardenclub.org
Pacific Region: pacificregiongardenclubs.org
Other Items of Interest to Gardeners
Saturday, May 13th 10 am to 3 pm Pollinator Fest
21 Acres, 13701 NE 171st St. Woodinville WA 98072
A celebration of pollinators and springtime. Informative lectures
pollinator-themed presentations, a children’s farm tour and
tours of the pollinator gardens on the 21 Acres Farm.
Check out the Elisabeth Miller Library’s website: https://depts.washington.edu/hortlib/events/garden-tours-plantsales/